Welcome to Evrika Greenwich!

Посмотреть действующие скидки и расписание можно ниже. Чтобы посмтотреть описание классов и записаться, нажмите на желаемый предмет.

Current discounts and schedule are via the bullet points below. To see class description and register, tap on the desired class image.

Collapsible content

Скидки. Current Discounts

1. 7% off при записи на целый учебный год + подарочный набор для развития творчества. При записи на целый учебный год. 7% off and an Art set set with registration for the full school year. 

2. Приведи друзей - подарок и для вас, и для друзей. Bring a friend - receive a gift and your friend receives a gift. 

Подарок - набор для развития творчества или развивающая игра. Gift - an art set or a fun and educational game. 

To receive these gifts and discounts, please email us info@evrikalearning.com or text 203-975-1134.

Все подарки подбираются по возрасту отдельно мальчикам и девочкам.  
All gifts are carefully selected based on age and gender. 

Gift sets will be shipped directly to your home (or preferred address) within 3 business days.

Чтобы посмотреть расписание и стоимость, нажмите на желаемый семестр или целый год (при записи на 2024-2025 год). 

Чтобы записаться, напишите нам на info@evrikalearning.com или текстовым сообщением на номер 203-975-1134.

To see the schedule and tuition, select the semester you are interested in. To register, please email us info@evrikalearning.com.

If you have any questions, email us info@evrikalearning.com, text 203 975 1134 or use chat on this page.

Расписание. Schedule

Russian 02 (ages 4-5) Saturday 11:10-11:55  
Russian 03 (ages 5-6) Saturday 11:10-11:55 
Play&Learn 0-1 (ages 2-4) Saturday 9:15-11:00    

Music Baby (ages 1-2) Saturday 9:15-10:00  
Music 02 (ages 4-5) Saturday 12:05-12:50   
Music 03 (ages 5-7) Saturday 12:05-12:50  
Music 04/Theater (ages 6-8) Saturday 12:05-12:50  

Art 02-03 (ages 4-5) Saturday 1:00-1:45
Art 04 (ages 6-8) Saturday 1:00-1:45




15 weeks

September 7, 14, 21, 28
October 5, 12, 19, 26
November 2, 9, 16, 23 (no classes - 30)
December 7, 14, 21 (no classes 28)


20 weeks
January 4, 11, 18, 25
February 1, 8, 15, 22
March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
April 5, 12, 26 (no classes - 19)
May 3, 10, 17 (no classes - 24)
June 7 (last day - 7)

Правила оплаты. Tuition Terms

Tuition Terms

Payment in full is required to secure the spot prior to the first day.

If after the first class you decide not to continue, we will refund: 

For full-year enrollment, early cancellation will yield a refund of 60% of the remaining classes per child. 

For semester enrollment, early cancellation will yield a refund of 60% of the remaining classes. 

For Early Bird and Special Early Offers registrations - enrollment is not cancellable prior to the first day of classes. If after the first class you decide not to continue, we will refund a pro-rated amount excluding the first lesson.

Sibling discount - 5% applied to all children enrolled. We will refund 5% upon receipt of your enrollment. 

Third subject discount - 10% applied to the third subject per child. We will refund 10% on the third subject after your registration. 

Sibling and third subject discounts are applicable only if the total of all other discounts is less than 20%.


Old Greenwich, CT
Address will be posted soon.
Reach out info@evrikalearning.com or text 203-975-1134 if you have any questions.