Регистрационную форму о ребёнке нужно заполнить либо до, либо после оформления заказа на классы. Please complete the Registration Form for your child either before or after your purchase of classes.

Регистрационная форма / Registration Form >>

Cтоимость обучения будет пересчитана на оставшиеся занятия в семестре автоматически в корзине. Tuition will be pro-rated for the remaining classes in this semester automatically at checkout. If you don't see the adjustment please email us info@evrikalearning.com.

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Darien. SPRING. Music-Theater 04. Saturdays. In-person.

Darien. SPRING. Music-Theater 04. Saturdays. In-person.

Суббота. 11:10-11:55

Для детей в возрасте 6-10 лет. 

В программе: 

  • Развиваем свободу самовыражения и уверенность в себе
  • Развиваем фантазию и творчество
  • Разучиваем песни и танцы
  • Ставим музыкальные спектакли
  • Готовим концерты

Registration Fees will be added to the order.

      Regular price $420.00 USD
      Regular price $660.00 USD Sale price $420.00 USD
      Special Sold out
      View full details

      Collapsible content

      Даты занятий. Session Dates

      14 weeks

      September 9, 16, 23, 30
      October 7, 14, 21, 28
      November 4, 11, 18 (no classes - 25)
      December 2, 9, 16, (no classes 23, 30)


      21 weeks
      January 6, 13, 20, 27
      February 3, 10, 17, 24
      March 2, 9, 16, 23 (no classes - 30)
      April 6, 13, 20, 27
      May 4, 11, 18, (no classes - 25)
      June 1, 8 (last day - 8)

      If you are starting in the middle of the session, tuition will be pro-rated in your first session in the current school year. 

      Условия оплаты. Tuition Terms

      Tuition Terms

      Payment in full is required to secure the spot prior to the first day.

      If after the first class you decide not to continue, we will refund:

      For full-year enrollment, early cancellation will yield a refund of 60% of the remaining classes per child. 

      For semester enrollment, early cancellation will yield a refund of 60% of the remaining classes. 

      For Early Bird and Special Early Offers registrations - enrollment is not cancellable prior to the first day of classes. If after the first class you decide not to continue, we will refund a pro-rated amount excluding the first lesson.

      Sibling discount - 5% is applied to all children enrolled with a code: sibling5. If the discount was not applied, we will refund 5% upon receiving your payment.

      Third subject discount - 10% off the third subject of the same child. We refund 10% of the third subject tuition upon receiving your payment.

      Sibling discount applies only when the total of all other discounts is less than 20%

      Third subject discount applies only when the total of all other discounts is less than 20%.